Growing Pains.

It has been an eventful few months for me personally, things have been turned upside down and inside out and so signs on that this issue of Number Eleven has arrived considerably behind schedule. For that I have to apologise, to both you the reader and to those authors featured in this issue. I called the last few months my ‘growing pains’ period, little and large adjustments, some that I found easy and some that were difficult. All were beneficial though.

I won’t spend too long prattling on in this editorial, as there are some fantastic and beautiful pieces included here in Issue Six. These ten pieces of fiction deserve your time – some of them I consider to be among the best short stories and flash fictions I have ever read, a bold statement but an honest assessment of Issue Six. I loved reading these stories and I hope you do too.

As a little postscript to this, I would like to bid a fond farewell to Wordlegs literary journal. Wordlegs and its editor, EM Reapy, was responsible for publishing some of the best Irish fiction over the last few years and I feel very fortunate to have been included amongst several issues. Thank you Elizabeth and Cathal and all those involved with Wordlegs, it’s been a blast.