Submission Details

Submissions can be sent to . Please enter the word ‘submission’ and your own name in the subject field. Attach a bio as well (100 words or so, nothing epic) just so we know a little about you. We will endeavour to reply to your submission within 8 weeks (but if we don’t then don’t hate us).

Please submit your pieces as Word documents ONLY. Submissions in any other format will not be read.

Please use size 12 fonts and double-space your submissions; I wear glasses so please go easy on my eyes.

At present we are NOT accepting submissions of photography or poetry, but this could quite possibly change so keep an eye on the Facebook page. Our word count for short stories is 3,000 words (we are flexible though) and 800 words
for flash fiction.

Please submit one piece of short fiction at a time. If submitting flash fiction, please don’t submit any more than
two at a time.

Please include all your contact details such as twitter, blog, website details etc so we can point readers to other
examples of your work.

If you have a submission accepted by Number Eleven then please wait two issues before submitting again.

Now get writing, create and share it with us. As Maya Angelou once said,
There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.